Our Team
Our teachers have trained in various places around the world! From Indonesia, to Thailand, to India, to the United States and Canada, our teachers know their way around a yoga studio. Our seasoned teachers bring their own unique style and expertise to the studio, providing a balanced experience to a diverse population. We are always looking to expand our team so please reach out if you think you would vibe with our tribe.

Lindsey Quesnel - Yoga Teacher Lindsey is quite the kind and gentle soul. When she's around, you just can't help but smile! Her kind and genuine demeanour sends warmth throughout the studio. Lindsey has travelled the world and has learned many things about yoga and about life itself! She teaches many styles of yoga but you will most often find her teaching Sweet Morning Flows bright and early or Hot Hatha Flows in the evening. If you haven't already, check her out!

Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher

Amanda Scripnick - Yoga Teacher Amanda is a yoga teacher who has seen her fair share of the world. When speaking with Amanda, you cannot help but feel inspired! Her wisdom and willingness to talk and teach is phenomenal. Have a question? Just ask. Amanda will do what she can to help you out. Oh, and don't even get us started on Asthanga Yoga - that is her thing ladies and gents! So if it peaks your interest, she's your lady.

Jess Mercier - Yoga Teacher and Studio Support

E-RYT 200, RYT 500
Bodhi Tree Hot Yoga Studio currently employs 8 yoga teachers who have trained in various places around the world! From Indonesia, to Thailand, to India, to the United States and Canada, our teachers know their way around a yoga studio. Our seasoned teachers bring their own unique style and expertise to the studio, providing a balanced experience to a diverse population.